28.08 — 29.11.2020

Magiciens de la Ville, Rencontres Publiques – Project postponed to 2021

Yves Coppens

17.10 - 18.10.2020 / MUCEM

This project is postponed to 2021 due to the new health measures taken to deal with the Coronavirus.


The Magiciens de la Ville event, first contemporary urban art festival in Marseille, offers to « re-enchant » our urban universe through artistic creations, to give a second wind into forgotten public spaces.

For the first edition, Planète Émergences invites the artists Jean-Baptiste Sauvage and Germain Alias IPIN, for two interventions on damaged public artworks, to give them a new lease of life. Those creations will interlink with the historic center of Marseille, Vieux-Port, to the brand new Joliette aera, emblematic of the changing city.
The artistic achievements will be accompanied by arts and cultural education workshops and public talks. For two days, in partnership with the Mucem, Yves Coppens, artistic and scientist speakers will approach the Human throughout his relationship with his environment, the future and narratives of the world.


A proposition and curated by Planète Émergences.
Partners : Ville de MarseilleDépartement Bouches du RhôneDRAC PACA – Ministère de la CultureLa Fédération de l’Art UrbainOré PeintureMiditraçageApical Paysage and Castellano Peintures.

+33 (0)9 86 31 68 31