28.08 — 29.11.2020

Invisible Archive #8 I La subtile mémoire des humains du rivage

29.10 - 29.11.2020 / Tiers QG

The multidisciplinary artists who form Film flamme have chosen cinema as a common language, amongst themselves and with the public, seeing it as a universal language that everyone speaks and understands. As Pasolini puts it: “This is the natural language of human action.”

They set up a film workshop with the inhabitants of the Quartier du Panier, the historic centre of Marseille, and did not realise at the time that they had just initiated a unique approach; a long-term project made up of a number of films which currently make up a monumental collective film entitled La subtile mémoire des humains du rivage (The subtle memory of the shoreline humans). The film, that includes three-minute films put together in the order of the shooting, constitute a collective and anonymous work

The aim to renew the spirit of popular education but also to reverse its hierarchical form. The common language is “already there”, there isn’t any “training” to do, nor laborious technical “learning process” to put in place and especially not a script to write or thoughts to “translate into images”, according to the requirements that usually define these practices. On the contrary, the artists who offer these gestures must, after the first meeting and the transmission of the writing tools, learn how to pull themselves out and create an empty space.

Today, young filmmakers, part of Polygone étoilé – a unique creation tool in Europe – are working out what the future of these gestures and their digital techniques can be, extending the thought of a technique dedicated to individual and collective emancipation.

LIMITED CAPACITY (limited capacity)
▶︎ 16.00-20.30
▶︎ At 17.00 (registration here) and 19.00 (registration here)
Presentation of “La Chaine Cinématographique Sensible”, tools and gesture, by Jean-François Neplaz, Raphaëlle Paupert-Borne and Olivier Derousseau, with the screening of 16mm Cinépantomimes, shot in Belsunce in 2002-2003.

Film flamme is an association of filmmakers and artists created in 1996 in Marseille. In 2001, the collective created the Polygone Etoilé, a cinema in the Joliette disctrict. The venue offers a technical infrastructure dedicated to film-making with a projection room and a cosy area upstairs for regular meetings and debates. From the start, the collective has been developing creative workshops.

Olivier Derousseau is a social worker, technician and filmmaker; member of the Encore Heureux… collective. His recent film Northern Range has been presented at the International Film Festival Marseille, which received a special mention at the international competition. Olivier pursues with Stéphanie Béghain and Marc Pérènnes a long process of research and creation on the work of the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. The result of this research will be presented at the theater in Gennevilliers in May 2021.


Tiers QG 57 rue Bernard du Bois