28.08 — 29.11.2020

Invisible Archive #1 I Place des investis I Artist: Olivier Hilaire – Organisations: ACAM Belsunce and CIQ Cadunabe.

06.11 - 11.01.2020 / Tiers QG

The artist form Marseille Olivier Hilaire collaborated with the CIQ Cadunabe and ACAM Belsunce to tell the story of the citizen mobilization around the Square Louise Michel in Belsunce neighbourhood. Immersing himself in the genealogy of its story, Olivier Hilaire collaborated closely with the president of the two associations, Ali Timizar, the famous storyteller of this citizen’s story. They worked together to dissect the archives of associations held at café Louise Michel . In addition to regular meetings with ACAM Belsunce and CIQ Cadunabe, the artist has completed his research by soliciting important actors from the memory of this place such as the team of the Théâtre de l’Œuvre Marseille, the collecting sounds Pascal Messaoudi and the writer Bruno Le Dantec.



L’odyssée - Louise Michel l’humaniste
07.12.19 I Café Louise Michel
Storytellers, singers, performances, screenings and readings around mint tea and oriental pastries. Organized by ACAM Belsunce

Elles disent…
12.12.19 I Espace culturel Busserine
14.12.19 I Théâtre de l’oeuvre
Participatory theatrical creation created in 2019 in the public space for the official inauguration of Square Louise Michel in Belsunce.

L’archive dans l’art contemporain – Round table
09.01.20, 18:00 I Tiers QG
A moderated exchange by Zoé Carle, post doctoral at LabexMed-Mucem, between Dalila Mahdjoub artist, Max Armengaud artist-photographer and Olivier Hilaire artist iconographer.

Quelle place en commun ? I Media workshop 
11.01.20, 14:00-17:00 – free entry
Collection of words and testimonies around the place Louise Michel and its inhabitants, in writing, in sound and in image.
With Babelsunce, participative neighborhood media.

Closing party!
11.01.20, 18:00 I Tiers QG
Surprise events.

Tiers QG 57 rue Bernard du Bois Marseille 13001